LPCS offers the full continuum of housing and homelessness services, from drop-in support for street-based individuals to permanent supportive housing.
For immediate help with shelter, please call 311 to be linked to a shelter via the City of Chicago. LPCS is connected with clients through the 311 service. You can inquire about LPCS, however, please note that you may still be directed to a different program. If you are fleeing domestic violence, please be sure to let the 311 representative assisting you know. For shelter outside of Chicago city limits, call 312.748.6000. For 24-hour domestic violence resources, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
LPCS offers five core programs to individuals facing homelessness and poverty: Interim Housing, Affordable & Permanent Supportive Housing, Drop-In Services, Street Outreach and Graduate Community.
Interim Housing Program.
LPCS's two interim housing facilities (shelters) provide 24-hour residence, safety, and support to 83 Guests experiencing homelessness each day. Case Managers offer individualized support and goal-setting support using our “On Track” method in three tracks: addiction recovery; mental and physical health; and employment and education. LPCS serves 250 individuals annually via interim housing.
Call 311 and request "help with shelter" to be placed in the first available bed in the city, including beds at LPCS.
Street Outreach.
Lincoln Park Community Services (LPCS) has joined forces with the city of Chicago to offer support to individuals experiencing homelessness on the streets. The LPCS Street Outreach team is committed to engaging with people in encampments, parks, and various community spaces not meant for habitation. Our goal is to provide essential services such as food and clothing, while also facilitating access to critical resources, including case management, benefits, and housing.
Call 773-549-6111 to speak with an LPCS staff member about accessing these services or if you know someone in the community who needs support.
Independent Community Living Program .
LPCS facilitates Permanent Supportive Housing for 17 individuals living with disabilities through the Independent Community Living Program (ICLP). Additionally, LPCS houses and supports 20 individuals through project-based units at our Sedgwick Old Town location. We serve 37 individuals annually through permanent supportive and affordable housing, several of whom are graduates of our interim housing community.
Call 312-361-1707 to join the waitlist for affordable housing and programs like these through the Coordinated Entry Call Center.
Drop-In Services.
Lincoln Park Community Services (LPCS) offers a range of daily drop-in supportive services tailored for individuals currently facing street-based homelessness. These services include access to showers, laundry facilities, clothing, toiletries, meals, referrals, and case management. Annually, LPCS assists over 200 individuals through these drop-in services.
Drop-In hours and Location
Hours: Monday to Friday, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: 1521 N. Sedgwick St., Chicago, IL 60610
Call 773-549-6111 to speak with an LPCS staff member about accessing these services.
Graduate Community & Support.
LPCS provides ongoing support to former interim housing Guests, including case management and access to the pantry and closet, in order to ensure continued success into independent housing. At least one representative from the Graduate community serves on the LPCS Board of Directors. LPCS serves approximately 80 Graduates annually.
Call 773-549-6111 to speak with an LPCS staff member about accessing these services.
When an LPCS interim housing Guest meets their goals, obtains independent housing and is ready to move out of the shelter, our community celebrates with our signature "bell ringing ceremony". Guests have the opportunity to ring our mission bell as a symbol of their progress and the mark they've left on the LPCS community. We encourage you to check out the video below to experience the LPCS spirit!​